3:3 From Cop To Agency Owner - Adam Davis
3:3 From Cop To Agency Owner - Adam Davis

3:3 From Cop To Agency Owner

The fascinating story of a cop, turned author, turned full time web designer! Meet Adam Davis from Enlivify Total Solutions.

Lee Matthew Jackson
Lee Matthew Jackson

The fascinating story of a cop, turned author, turned full time web designer! Meet Adam Davis from Enlivify Total Solutions. He runs a web agency in sunny Alabama. I loved listening to Adam’s story and outside of the podcast, I’ve grown to really enjoy the content he shares, his personality and his wonderful family pictures he regularly shares. A true gentleman!

Adam Davis - Author


Adam Davis


Come join us at the WP Innovator Facebook Group on: http://trailblazer.fm/group/

Biggest challenge:

Over committing and on-boarding queue. (Been there, wore that t-shirt… am I right?)

Unique Selling Point:

Monitors to ensure an agreed percentage revenue increase as a result of the web solutions provided.

Action You Can Apply Today:

Bookend your day

Sit down at the end of the day and ask the following:

_ What did I accomplish today
_ What did I not accomplish today
_ Why did I not accomplish it
_ What could I have accomplished

Then write out 6 things you want to accomplish the next day.

Take the time to slow down mentally and get organised! Booom!

WordPress Plugins:

Sucuri: https://sucuri.net/
Yoast: https://yoast.com/ (The old favourite)
OptimizePress: https://www.optimizepress.com/
Visual Composer: https://vc.wpbakery.com/

He said there were 100 or so he could pick from!!! I think 4 is enough for today 😉


Adams Book – http://www.amazon.com/Spirit-Truth-Encouraging-Messages-Enforcement/dp/1507819463

Entrepreneur: http://www.entrepreneur.com/

Huffington Post: http://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/

Adam on Huffington Post: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/Adam-Davis

WP Elevation Podcast: http://www.wpelevation.com/

Andy Stanley: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/andy-stanley-leadership-podcast/id290055666?mt=2

Connect With Adam:

Company: http://www.enlivify.com/

Personal Site: https://www.theadamdavis.com/

Email: adam@enlivify.com


PodcastSeason 3

Lee Matthew Jackson

Content creator, speaker & event organiser. #MyLifesAMusical #EventProfs