34:4 How to create a peer mastermind Paid Members Public
Without being a part of a mastermind I would not be where I am today, nor would I have the clarity focus and drive to push onto where I am headed. There is immense power in a small group of people, meeting regularly and holding each other accountable that can transform a business.
34:3 Attracting the ideal client Paid Members Public
When Jemma launched her VA business last year, she was not clear on who her ideal client would be. The first few months saw a range of clients and projects. These experiences and interactions highlighted the importance of niching to a particular client time and range of services.
34:2 Agency in the cloud Paid Members Public
In 2012 my agency used multiple providers on multiple platforms. We’d created a support nightmare for ourselves and we knew we needed to change how we delivered our services. This podcast unpacks our journey into the cloud and the lessons learned along the way.
34:1 Niche within the niche Paid Members Public
During Agency Transformation Live 2020, we interviewed Brad Morrison on how he developed his niche over time. Having started providing services within an industry that did not seem to be as commercially viable, his agency expanded into other sectors.
33:8 Getting better support Paid Members Public
A product or service is more often than not measured by the quality of support provided. The reputation of a company can be its downfall should it provide poor after care. Yet I think there are ways that we can improve the support we get from the products that are
33:7 The COVID economy Paid Members Public
We are surrounded by negative messaging on the news and in social media. Global economies are being massively impacted by the pandemic, and as business owners, we may be feeling worried and concerned. I invited Nev Harris onto the show to share with us lessons we can learn from past economic crises.
33:6 Productive online meetings Paid Members Public
Over the last few years, as someone who has found travelling to meetings a mental struggle, I found that meeting through the internet still had its challenges. If you are getting “zoomed out”, then this is the episode for you.
My Covid lockdown routine Paid Members Public
Being forced to work from home, how do you keep motivated!? Here’s my routine… what’s yours!?