
Shared experiences from running an agency.

The real cost of outsourcing Members Public

I was at a networking meeting recently and we were discussing time management. As we dove into the topic, outsourcing was mentioned multiple times. Businesses around the world are hiring freelancers and outsource companies to perform more and more tasks. These include admin, research, accounts, web development, programming, scheduling, social

Lee Matthew Jackson
Lee Matthew Jackson

How we record video for YouTube Members Public

Over the last few months, we have been experimenting with ways of creating valuable YouTube content in as efficient a way as possible. We are finally at a point where everything is setup for quick video production allowing us to post three to four videos a week with very little

Lee Matthew Jackson
Lee Matthew Jackson

Why repurpose content? Members Public

Repurposing, now that’s a word I bet you hear quite a lot in agency life. The question is do we fully understand the idea of repurposing and are we using it to it’s true potential. If you are creating one piece of content be it a video, podcast

Lee Matthew Jackson
Lee Matthew Jackson

An easier way to create a website spec Members Public

The Problem Let’s face it, that second the call or email comes in with someone requesting a quote for a new web build, and that same feeling rises up inside you. The following questions and fears fly through your mind. * What if I quote too much? * Will I quote

Lee Matthew Jackson
Lee Matthew Jackson

How to limit design revisions Members Public

Design is so subjective…. How can you create a working relationship that allows you to be a profitable agency, whilst ensuring your client has a design that hits it’s mark? Here are 5 ingredients to managing client expectations, and keeping a control of the amount of revisions under control

Lee Matthew Jackson
Lee Matthew Jackson

Why you should design the website first Members Public

Let’s talk about why starting building the website before you’ve even designed it is the total wrong way around of doing things. Okay, so what do I mean? Well, we often have people approaching us saying, “We really don’t like our website”. To explore further we ask

Lee Matthew Jackson
Lee Matthew Jackson

Is WordPress really insecure? Members Public

So let’s talk about WordPress Security. First of all there is this widely stated myth that WordPress is insecure. Let’s just nip that in the bud right now. WordPress is being constantly developed by people all around the world. These are very highly skilled people who have created

Lee Matthew Jackson
Lee Matthew Jackson

The LESS is more leader Members Public

What do leaders do? That’s a loaded question right? Ask anyone that question and you are likely going to get a different answer from each. People often have the concept that a leader is: * in management * has authority over others * is the boss * is bossy * to be avoided * full

Lee Matthew Jackson
Lee Matthew Jackson