Season 32
Exploring key skills for agency owners.
32:8 How to hire a virtual assistant Paid Members Public
There comes a point in your agency when enough is enough. You cannot do everything and you realise you need outside help from a freelancer or virtual assistant. The thing is, you’ve heard horror stories from other agency owners and your last freelance experience was a nightmare.
32:7 Managing your agency finances Paid Members Public
Do you know what is in your bank account, who owes you what, and what you have to pay out? It’s likely you don’t as running an agency is time intensive and demanding.
32:6 How to keep yourself motivated Paid Members Public
How do you keep motivated when things can be so stressful? Running an agency can be high pressure, and you may have experienced those days where you can’t face it all. I know I have. In this episode I share a range of ways I keep motivated when the going gets tough.
32:5 How to get the big things done Paid Members Public
How many plans have you made that you’ve never followed through with? What would you like to change in your agency or in your personal life that seems too overwhelming and unachievable? I have struggled for years with procrastination, and have a graveyard of abandoned dreams behind me.
32:4 Planning for the worst Paid Members Public
“Plan for the worst, hope for the best” is a phrase I’ve often heard from family members as we go through life. There is no better place to ensure you can push through the rough times than in your business.
32:3 How to manage leads Paid Members Public
So much business can be lost due to not handling leads effectively. With multiple channels of communication, and such unique needs, what can you implement to keep on top of, and to nurture the leads you get in?
32:2 Getting plugged into online community Paid Members Public
Being a business owner, or part of a business design agency can be tough. I remember how lonely I would often feel battling the day to day challenges with no one else to talk to. In this weeks episode we share how to get plugged into the online community to create a support network.
32:1 The one page business plan Paid Members Public
Running your agency without a plan, you are inadvertently planning to fail. We learned the hard way many years ago.