5:4 WordPress Membership Sites - Marcus Couch
5:4 WordPress Membership Sites - Marcus Couch

5:4 WordPress Membership Sites

Meet Marcus Couch Mega-Marketer (www.membershipcouch.com), Plugin Guru and co-host on the WordPress Weekly Podcast (http://marcuscouch.com/podcasts/wordpress-weekly/). We discover his story and talk WordPress membership sites!

Lee Matthew Jackson
Lee Matthew Jackson

Meet Marcus Couch Mega-Marketer, Plugin Guru and co-host on the WordPress Weekly Podcast (http://marcuscouch.com/podcasts/wordpress-weekly/). We discover his story and talk WordPress membership sites!

Marcus Couch  - Digital Pioneer


Marcus Couch

Digital Pioneer

Show Notes:

Take The Challenge:

Take Marcus’s theme challenge. Can you find a style and theme it?

The point is not to copy a site, but to prove you can create something that looks like what the big companies pay mega bucks for! Result? You CAN compete! Lets do this!


You CAN compete. Don’t put yourself down, or assume you cannot bid along side bigger companies/agencies.

Membership sites are a great way for agencies to generate extra ongoing income.


WordPress Plugin A-Z: http://marcuscouch.com/podcasts/wppluginsa-z/

WordPress Weekly: http://marcuscouch.com/podcasts/wordpress-weekly/

Connect With Marcus Couch:

Website: www.marcuscouch.com

Twitter :  @marcuscouch

Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/marcuscouch


PodcastSeason 5

Lee Matthew Jackson

Content creator, speaker & event organiser. #MyLifesAMusical #EventProfs